Monday, 9 January 2006

Parental Alienation - unrecognised emotional abuse

Spanish forensic psychologist Jose Manuel Aguilar Cuenca believes that parents who are guilty of alienating their children from the other parent during the separation process are committing a very harmful act.

In a recent article in the Magazine Lex Nova, Cuenca argues that this type of emotional abuse by the alienating parents “passes almost unrecognized at a technical level by legal professionals.”

Click here to read the article


Anonymous said...

Parent Alienation is very much abuse by the Alienating parent. This "Syndrome" should be recognised as abuse by a simple questioning method that should consider the childs age and understanding of the situation. Obviously a child who continually says "mum or dad's" not stopping us at 9 years old and a child who turns down a birthday present from his dad because he says he does not need it because he has plenty is being coached and brainwashed. When is this government going to wake up and help all those parents and most of all the children, who they are failing the most. This is a very disturbing and damaging type of abuse that will affect a child probably indefinately. WHY IS THIS BEING ALLOWED TO CONTINUE WITHOUT PENALTY TO THE ALIENATOR. Family courts are a disgrace with ordinary parents feeling like they are criminals because sheriff's and judges beleive the mother always. It's quite shocking. They should listen to the Mark Harris story. FAMILY COURT HELL

RB said...

It's devastating, he's right. I'm in counselling (and blogging my experiences) as an alienated child just to try and make sense and move forward. It's child abuse, plain and simple, and should be legally treated as such.

pasconsultant said...

My name is Joe Goldberg and I am a Medical Legal Consultant
with the firm of Goldberg & Associates. We work on family law
cases that involve Parental Alienation & Parental Alienation


Allow me to just mention that Parental Alienation and Parental
Alienation Syndrome, is both a Medical Disorder and a form of
Child Abuse.

I need your help in posting a link to information that could help
children that are trapped in this parental conflict.

We have a small request. In order to prevent this form of child
abuse we created a Questionnaire to help identify the problem.
Would you please post the link to this questionnaire below on
your website ?

Click here: Questionnaire - PAS Abuse


Respectfully Yours,
Joe Goldberg
Goldberg & Associates
Tel 905-481-0367 .