Monday, 13 June 2005


No wonder F4J members are furious with Matt O'Connor. I'm not surprised that a breakaway group is forming what they are calling The Real FATHERS 4 JUSTICE!

BBC TV BREAKFAST NEWS this morning ran a Pollyanna piece labelled "Peace in our Time". It trumpeted the "breakthrough deal" struck between Matt and CAFCASS's smooth-talking Chief Executive, Anthony Douglas. This was said to be as a result of Matt agreeing to suspend direct action against CAFCASS. Apparently, CAFCASS will release a statement tomorrow that promises to represent "a quantum leap" in their thinking!

When Anthony Douglas was asked by the BBC presenter.......What changes will dads notice in CAFCASS's approach?.....Douglas could not come up with one single change! Douglas went on to say how well-trained, experienced and skilled CAFCASS staff are!

So what does Matt think he's achieved?

I was due to go on the programme to express EPC's views. When Douglas was booked, my appearance was cancelled. The programme made a last-mintute decision to make this a purely good news/feel-good piece. We have descended into Disneyland journalism - to hell with the truth; to hell with children and families; let's make people feel good!

There will not be one iota of change in the way CAFCASS approaches cases. They will continue to abuse children, parents and grandparents, by discriminating against non-custodial dads and mums. You can take that to the bank!

Anthony Douglas was so boyed-up by his success in duping Matt O'Connor that he emailed me last night seeking "dialogue" with EPC, provided we cease naming and shaming CAFCASS staff on our web site. Images of snowballs in hell spring to mind!

EPC will cease naming and shaming when we see concrete evidence that CAFCASS is putting its house in order. The CAFCASS Board and Anthony Douglas fail to hold staff accountable for bad practice and gross negligence. There is no effective remedy for the victims of such practices. In these circumstances, sadly, naming and shaming is our only remaining option.


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