Wednesday 8 June 2005


EPC has long argued that CAFCASS must be scrapped. The bias in the organization goes from top to bottom.

Well meaning people have tried to reform it. Former Chairman, Anthony Hewson OBE, tried hard. He told us frankly that many CAFCASS officers considered themselves to be child welfare experts and they refused to be budged in their thinking. Anthony quit when he realized that CAFCASS staff were sabotaging his attempts to address the reasonable complaints from organizations like EQUAL PARENTING COUNCIL.

The predominant thinking in CAFCASS is that shared parenting (if contested by the resident parent) cannot work. The predominant thinking is also that Parental Alienation doesn't exist; or, if it does, and the children are alienated, that's just tough on the alienated parent!

A parent rang and told us today that, in spite of the intervention of CAFCASS's new Chief Executive, Anthony Douglas, in relation to an Officer who was displaying manifest bias towards the father, the Officer refused to change her recommendation from sole residence to the mother, to a neutral one of shared residence.

The judge lauded the Officer for taking this stand, so one can see how this institutionalized bias is perpetuated! The law needs changing and CAFCASS must be abolished, as the Opposition Party have pledged to do!

To see how biased our family justice system is review the time line of a typical case by CLICKING HERE

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